Other laparoscopic operations
With the development of laparoscopic surgical technique, laparoscopic cardiomyotomy is considered the "gold standard" for the treatment of achalasia.
Achalasia, considered one of the rare, benign diseases of the esophagus, is a disease of unknown etiology, causing an inability to swallow liquid and/or solid food, and regurgitation, the basis of which is the inability to relax the muscles of the cardia.
A ball-shaped device is placed inside the stomach, into which 500-700 ml of liquid can be pumped. This creates a feeling of fullness, and the patient feels full after eating much less food. The device is temporary and is removed after 6-12 months.

During the procedure, the entire gallbladder is removed using a gentle laparoscopic procedure under anesthesia, known as "keyhole surgery". The essence of this is that we make a small incision at the navel, through which we introduce a camera. 2-3 additional incisions are made under the rib cage, and the gallbladder is removed without opening the abdominal cavity, with the instruments introduced through them.

Gastric ring implantation: Weight loss surgery performed with laparoscopic technique and involving little strain.
Gastric ring filling
Gastric ring lowering
Gastric ring removal: Operation performed under anesthesia using laparoscopic technique.